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9 Invisalign Facts and Figures

Invisalign facts and figures

Invisalign is an innovative, reliable, and respected method of aligning teeth. This type of orthodontic method allows wearers to eat whatever they want, straighten their teeth without anyone knowing about it, and enjoy the result of a gorgeous smile. Now, here are some things you may not have known about Invisalign braces.

1. Versatile

Invisalign can correct overbites, underbites, deep bites, open bites, teeth that are crowded, and teeth with spacing issues. In short, any alignment problem that can be corrected by traditional metal braces can often be fixed with Invisalign too.

2. Corrective

People who once had braces but whose teeth have since shifted again are usually good candidates for Invisalign. Often, patients who were embarrassed by their braces and retainers chose not to wear them. As a result, the alignment moved out of place. Invisalign is a discreet way to finally get the smile you want.

3. Popular

Over 5 million people, including 1 million teens, have successfully used Invisalign clear aligners to straighten their teeth. More adults have chosen to align their teeth thanks to the subtlety and effectiveness of Invisalign.

4. Innovative

Invisalign aligners are made of patented SmartTrack material. This specially engineered material is designed to apply gentle, constant, controlled force to move teeth one by one, allow the aligners fit snugly around teeth for comfort and camouflage, and move teeth with 75 percent more predictability than off-the-shelf aligners.

5. Precise

The clear aligners used for Invisalign are customized and trimmed based on each user’s gum line for a better appearance and greater comfort. Not only does Invisalign work precisely, it blends in with your smile perfectly too. Blue compliance indicators, usually used for teens, enhance Invisalign performance by showing your Red Bank Invisalign provider that the aligners have been worn enough to get the job done.

6. Meticulous

Every Invisalign patient has an individual treatment plan that is designed at the start based on 3D scans and digital imaging and where teeth should ideally be by the end of treatment. To make this happen as efficiently and orderly as possible, some Invisalign treatments require attachments, which are small tooth-colored “bumps” temporarily attached to your teeth. Attachments help the aligners fit as snugly as possible and move with the correct amount of force

7. Safe

Invisalign aligners and Vivera retainers are made from medical-grade, thermoplastic polymers. In the simplest terms, these materials are biocompatible and BPA free. So, you can feel good about you or your teen wearing the aligners.

8. Efficient

A full course of Invisalign is, on average, between 12 and 18 months. Results, however, can begin to be seen in a matter of weeks. Your specific alignment needs, the complexity of your case, and your dedication to wearing your clear aligners will determine how long your treatment will be, but Invisalign can often be completed in half the time of traditional metal braces.

9. Flexible

Invisalign clear aligners must be worn 20 to 22 hours a day, but they can be removed for special occasions if necessary – a wedding, job interview, first date, playing a sport, playing an instrument. You don’t want to go overboard. The best results happen when the aligners are worn for the prescribed amount of time.

Learn more about Invisalign braces. Visit Dr. Carole Sherrod Jewell at Red Bank Dentistry to find out whether you are a good candidate for these innovative clear aligners.

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