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Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign Attachments

Invisalign attachments Red Bank dentist NJMost Invisalign patients find themselves sporting what are known as attachments. These small shapes are temporarily attached to the teeth so the Invisalign aligners can grip more tightly and move teeth more efficiently. Invisalign attachments might be small, but they are definitely mighty and strategically placed for the most effective treatment.

What Is an Invisalign Attachment?

A common part of Invisalign treatment, attachments are designed to anchor Invisalign trays in place for a better fit, another area to grab onto, and more predictable tooth movements. They are made of tooth-colored composite materials, so they blend in nicely with your trays and smile. Attachments, ultimately, make the treatment of more severe types of misalignment possible.

How Do Attachments Work?

Invisalign doesn’t always require attachments, but these customized buttons are a big boon to overall treatment if your provider recommends them. With attachments in place, sometimes treatment time can be sped up thanks to the additional force being exerted on teeth. These buttons are not necessarily needed on every tooth – there may only be some that require an attachment.

What Do Attachments Look Like on Teeth?

The composition of attachments is one of the fun parts of this orthodontic treatment. Attachments can come in a variety of shapes, from squares to circles, triangles to rectangles, trapezoids or crescents. There is a careful methodology behind the unique shapes bonded to each person’s teeth and no two Invisalign patients are alike.

Are Attachments Visible Behind the Aligners?

Invisalign attachments do make Invisalign more visible because the smooth trays need to be made to accommodate the shapes of the bumps. This knowledge may turn some people off when it comes to undergoing Invisalign treatment, but don’t be discouraged. Everything is still clear or tooth-colored, which means the treatment is incredibly subtle overall.

Do I Have to Wear Attachments All the Time?

Attachments are buffed off your teeth when they are no longer needed. Whether this occurs at the end of your entire Invisalign treatment or in between certain trays is determined by your Red Bank Invisalign provider at the very start of your process. But they are bonded to your teeth and can only be removed by your dentist.

How Do I Clean Attachments?

You will clean your Invisalign attachments every time you brush your teeth, but they also require a little TLC of their own. When you eat, food will cling to these tiny extensions from your teeth. Bacteria and plaque can build up too without proper care. Be sure to get that water pik and toothbrush in and around the attachments as well as possible so the bumps stay nearly invisible.

Get Invisalign in Red Bank

If you’re looking for a dentist in Red Bank who offers Invisalign treatment, look no further than Red Bank Dentistry. Dr. Carole Sherrod Jewell and her team have created hundreds of new smiles for patients using Invisalign and Invisalign attachments. Schedule a consultation to find out if you are a good candidate for this revolutionary treatment.

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