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You’re Not Too Old for Invisalign

never too old for invisalign red bank dentistryIt’s common for people to say, “Meh, I’ll just live with my teeth the way they are.” Understandable. You don’t want to spend money on dental treatments, you don’t want to spend hours at the dentist, you just want to make what you have work. But if your mouth hurts, you’re embarrassed by the appearance of your teeth, or you wish you had a straight smile, it’s not too late to find out if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, no matter what age you are.

Reverse Oral Health Problems with Invisalign

You really can’t age out of dental care. There is always a procedure that can work to give you the kind of smile you want. Many patients are surprised to discover they’re excellent candidates for a course of Invisalign treatment, especially if they experience dental issues that tend to accompany aging such as:

  • TMJ problems: Chronic teeth grinding and clenching is known as bruxism or sleep bruxism. While a mouthguard can help you with this problem and is highly recommended, the issue may exist because your bite is off and that’s an issue Invisalign can correct.
  • Repeated cavities or infections: The older you get, the more likely you are to take medications that affect saliva production and oral health in general. Plus, teeth that are not straight are harder to clean and these problems combine to form cavities. Straighten things up and you can help yourself significantly.
  • Embarrassment: An area where food never used to get stuck now always gets stuck. A pain you never used to have has become chronic. You suffer with enamel erosion or damaged dental work or other oral health problems. You’re self-conscious about your smile. If you have ongoing problems with your teeth, straightening up your smile can stop these issues from occurring.

Forget About Your Age – Think About Your Smile

As we age, our teeth tend to settle and shift. The density of the jawbone minimizes and begins to shrink in size. This issue can cause a disparity between the size of the jawbone and the teeth. Suddenly, one day, you realize you have teeth that are crowded or overlapping. Now what? Invisalign can be your answer.

Whether you have new oral health problems or issues that have plagued you for a lifetime, Invisalign has the power to move your teeth into their proper positions, eliminate pain, stop reoccurring oral health problems, and give you a beautiful smile too.

You may think you’re too old to invest in your smile or too old to even qualify for this innovative treatment, but don’t self-diagnose. Let your Red Bank dentist decide whether Invisalign is the answer for your smile problems. You may be surprised to discover that whether you’re a senior, middle-aged, or otherwise, Invisalign is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Invisalign Fits Into Your Life

Invisalign is a responsibility, but it’s not as demanding as you might think. Wear the aligners 20 to 22 hours a day, take them out for meals and cleanings, change your trays every two weeks, see your dentist every six to eight weeks. In one year, often less, you’ll have a flawless straight smile that looks better, feels better, and works better.

Remember, age is just a number. If Invisalign interests you, ask your Red Bank dentist about it today. Contact Dr. Carole Sherrod Jewell, certified Invisalign provider at Red Bank Dentistry in Red Bank, NJ, to learn more.

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