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7 Fast Facts About Invisalign Attachments

Invisalign attachments Red Bank dentistAttachments are tiny tooth-colored “bumps” that are temporarily bonded to teeth during Invisalign treatment to anchor Invisalign aligners in place. They serve an important purpose, so it’s good to understand what attachments are about, why you do or do not need them, and what they mean for you going forward.

1. They come in different shapes and sizes.

All attachments are small “dots,” but some may be a little larger because of their shape, which could be anything from square to circular, rectangular to triangular. The shape is determined by your Red Bank Invisalign provider based on how a tooth root and crown needs to twist to get into full alignment.

2. They won’t leave marks behind.

Attachments are temporary, bonded in place to help trays move your teeth most effectively. They are made of dental bonding material or composite resin, which allows them to blend into your teeth, but also means they’re easy to buff off later and leave no marks behind.

3. They may seem haphazard.

Location of Invisalign attachments will vary. They are usually placed near the middle of a tooth but, depending on how a tooth needs to move and in what direction, the attachment could be on the top, middle, bottom, or corner. So their placement, while it may look haphazard, is quite deliberate.

4. Visibility varies.

The whole point of Invisalign for most patients is having a treatment that is practically invisible. Attachments, though, can make your trays a little more visible than you might like if they are larger and placed on the most visible front teeth. Dots will be most noticeable when your aligners are out at mealtime.

5. You might get a little frustrated.

Trays are designed to fit precisely over each attachment, with spaces left in each aligner to click perfectly into place over your teeth and dots. This need to be spot-on can be frustrating at first, but you’ll quickly adjust to making attachments work. Running your tongue over your teeth when aligners are out will be a little bumpy, but this feeling is a temporary, minor inconvenience.

6. Careful cleaning is necessary.

Invisalign wearers don’t need any special tools to clean their teeth or attachments every day, but you do need to be meticulous in your brushing so no food or plaque builds up on the dots. If you don’t clean your teeth and attachments carefully, discoloration and decay could both become a problem.

7. Not every tooth needs an attachment.

While the typical Invisalign patient may wear up to 20 attachments, you may be one of the lucky ones who doesn’t need any at all. Either way, the dots make treatment work more effectively than it otherwise might have. Plus, attachments make certain tooth movements possible that might not have been able to happen in other circumstances, making Invisalign a reality for patients who had long given up on changing their teeth discreetly and efficiently.

Learn About Invisalign Attachments in Red Bank

Your Red Bank Invisalign provider will determine at the start whether you require attachments and how many. These little bumps aren’t likely to be a surprise later. Learn more about all things Invisalign when you schedule a consultation with Red Bank Invisalign provider Dr. Carole Sherrod Jewell at Red Bank Dentistry. Contact us today.

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