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5 Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments to Get You Ready for School

back to school cosmetic dentistry red bankAlong with buying new clothes, getting haircuts, finding comfortable shoes, and gathering supplies, the back-to-school season should also include a focus on oral health and cosmetic dentistry. This is the best time of year to consider the condition of your teeth and gums – and the dental care of your kids – and focus on getting those smiles to look great for the first day of school and the whole year through.

1. Teeth Cleanings

No matter who you are, no matter what age – teacher, student, administrator, or parent – a thorough professional teeth cleaning and dental exam is a good idea. When you see your Red Bank dentist regularly, you establish a baseline that, if your oral health shifts, indicates when advanced dental care is necessary. Plus, a teeth cleaning polishes enamel so it shines and looks great for the new school year ahead.

2. Teeth Whitening

Will you be teaching in front of a class, behind a screen, or ushering your student to and from the carpool line or extracurricular activities? No matter where you find yourself once the school year begins, it’s nice to have some serious self-confidence about your smile thanks to professional teeth whitening. This procedure makes tooth enamel multiple shades whiter for a gleaming smile that looks perfect, even if it’s not, and it can happen in just about an hour.

3. Porcelain Crowns

Dental crowns are one of the most versatile cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry treatments. They can correct an unsightly tooth that is stained or small, or they can correct a compromised tooth that is weak, broken, or decayed. Get a customized porcelain crown from your Red Bank dentist and it will fit right into the rest of your smile, build up the problem tooth, and complete your smile so it looks natural.

4. Invisalign

Back-to-school season is an excellent time to begin an Invisalign regimen. If your teenager needs braces, talk to your Red Bank Invisalign provider about whether they’re a good candidate for Invisalign Teen. They could wear braces and straighten their smile discreetly, without the hassle of brackets and wires. If you’re an adult who wants to align your own teeth, Invisalign won’t get in the way of lectures, meetings, or study groups because it blends right into your smile and slowly but consistently shifts teeth into their proper positions.

5. Porcelain Veneers

If you’re ready to really make a massive change to your teeth, it’s time to talk about the A+ student of cosmetic dentistry: porcelain veneers. Customized in size, shape, length, and color, veneers are personalized in all ways and fitted atop your natural teeth for a flawless smile that looks natural. Veneers are stain-resistant, incredibly strong, and last for decades with consistent care and visits to your dentist. When you want a VIP smile that looks like all the celeb smiles you covet, go after it yourself with porcelain veneers.

Whether you work in a classroom, have settled children in dorms, or log-on to teach every day, smiles are always front and center. Learn more about the best dental care for back-to-school season. Schedule a consultation with your Red Bank dentist Dr. Carole Sherrod Jewell at Red Bank Dentistry in New Jersey.

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